sábado, julho 09, 2005


Isla Holbox is pronounced i-la holebosh - "x" in Mayan is pronounced "sh".

A well kept secret not known to many Mexicans outside of the Yucatan - Isla Holbox was settled by pirates who intermarried with local Mayans living in the area.
The descendants of the original 8 families still reside there today. Sort of like Pitcairn Island. Isla Holbox has 1600 +/- residents. It is a true island 7 miles north of the top tip of the Yucatan Peninsula about 40 miles NW of Cancun. It's approximately 7 miles long & 1 mile wide.
Its northern shore [facing the placid waters of the warm Gulf of Mexico] has become a secret hideout for Europeans, Canadians & Americans alike. Its like stepping back in time to the 50's or 60's.

Photo Brane

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